Utilization of disposable nappies and expired food waste
Waste4think was born from the public-private cooperation within the European project Waste4think, where companies, public bodies and research centers, shared a common goal: the shift towards an efficient, sustainable and competitive waste management. The aim was to reduce waste and produced gases, improve the recycling rate and achieve the path towards a circular economy in Europe.
The project involved 19 partners: 5 public administrations, 1 research organization, 2 universities, 9 industrial organizations, 1 corporate cluster, 1 NGO and the action was implemented in four cities: Zamudio, Jalandri, Seveso and Cascais.
The integrated solution of the Waste4think project concerns a waste management consulting service centered on four management areas:
1)Waste prevention:
A first assessment was made in the production, sorting and management of waste. The environmental management that must be implemented was diagnosed, the costs and emission of air pollutants were analyzed and measures and actions were proposed to improve them in the urban areas involved in the program.
2)Waste collection:
Waste4think according to the needs, analyzed, proposed suitable models of sustainable collection, depending on the demographic, geographical and other social parameters of the municipalities. He also offered advice on acquisition and application of technology, required to reduce waste such as: sensors, containers, bins and refund systems.
Pay-as-you-throw (PAYT) is a tool that promotes sustainability and zero waste. It is the most effective means of increasing the level of recycling in municipalities.
4)Utilization of waste
Waste4Think diagnosed the current state of waste recovery. Improvements and reuse of waste were suggested. Organic waste was utilized for the production of biofuels, biomass and by-products and high quality materials were recovered.

This video presents the innovative technology developed by the company Green Technologies in collaboration with the University of Patras/Department of Chemical Engineering, for the utilization of disposal used nappies and expired food products for the purpose of energy production within the Waste4Think Horizon 2020 project, which was successfully completed in early 2022 and uploaded to Green Technologies YouTube channel.
This video was created to capture part of the experimental work concerning the innovative pilot system by postgraduate students of the Laboratory of Biochemical Engineering & Environmental Technology (LBEET), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras and uploaded to the Waste4Think YouTube
This video shows the process of collecting used nappies from a kindergarten and expired food products from a supermarket and the process of co digestion them to the final goal of energy production and was uploaded to Green Technologies YouTube channel.
In the Peloponnisos newspaper's article, was highlighted the role of the company Green Technologies Ltd and of the University of Patras/Department of Chemical Engineering, in the pilot program implemented in the Municipality of Chalandri and details were given about the upgraded Waste Treatment Unit, where used nappies are utilized with expired food products through the European project Waste4Think.
Information conference at the University
The graduate students of the Department of Chemical Engineering (University of Patras) had the opportunity to learn about the Waste4Think project and to familiarize themselves with the technology that is being developed in the Biochemical Engineering & Environmental Technology Laboratory of the Department in collaboration with the company Green Technologies Ltd. Green Technologies ΕΠΕ.
An oral presentation was made by the PhD candidate of the University of Patras, Mrs. Konstantina Tsigou.
«Pretreatment of disposable nappies towards valorization of the fermentable fraction through anaerobic digestion»
E.U. Funding: Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises/ EASME, Project Nr: 688995 - Waste4Think - H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage.